
About Us


International Tibet Network is a global coalition of Tibet-related non-governmental organisations. Its purpose is to maximise the effectiveness of the worldwide Tibet movement. The Network works to increase the capacity of individual member organisations, develops coordinated strategic campaigns, and encourages increased cooperation among organisations, thereby strengthening the Tibet movement as a whole.

Network members are committed to non-violence as a fundamental principle of the Tibetan struggle. They regard Tibet as an occupied country and recognise the Tibetan Government in Exile as the sole legitimate government of the Tibetan people. Beyond these principles, the International Tibet Network respects the variety of views and opinions of its member organisations, for example concerning Tibet’s future political status, and believes that diversity strengthens our movement.

We currently have over 130 member organisations. The Network’s day-to-day functioning is managed by a small Secretariat, whose work is overseen by an elected Steering Committee. Steering Committee members represent all six continents where there are Tibet Groups. Tibet Network was founded in 2000 at the Third International Tibet Support Group Conference in Berlin. Initially called the International Tibet Support Network, the proposal for its formation – developed by a global group of Tibet campaigners – was welcomed unanimously.


We believe the global Tibet movement is most effective when our members come together and work in collaboration. To support and develop collaboration Tibet Network organize regular meetings, information exchange sessions and training to enable our member organisations to devise and engage in detailed strategic campaign planning.


We develop coordinated campaign strategies in a variety of ways, including via Campaign Working Groups made up of Network member organisation representatives, or with Task Forces set up to analyse specific situation analysis and recommend related strategies.

Capacity Building

We work to build the strength and capacity of the Tibet movement by helping Network member organisations build their resources and increase the skill-base of their campaigners. We develop and provide training in key areas including supporter development and mobilisation, fundraising, strategic campaign planning and communication skills.