
International Tibet Network is a coalition of more than 130 Tibet organisations, campaigning for an end to human rights violations in Tibet and restoring rights to the Tibetan people.

We work with you to win campaigns

The International Tibet Network is a global coalition of Tibet-related non-governmental organisations. Its purpose is to maximise the effectiveness of the worldwide Tibet movement.

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We develop coordinated campaign strategies in a variety of ways, including via Campaign Working Groups made up of Network member organisation representatives, or with Task Forces set up to analyse specific situation analysis and recommend related strategies.

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Succession Report

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Take Action

Hands Off Tibet’s Land

China’s large-scale development projects in Tibet, including dams, highways, and mining operations, threaten the region’s environment, cultural heritage, and the lives of Tibetan people.


Protect Tibetan Children

Tell UN Human Rights Council High Commissioner to break her silence on Tibet and urgently investigate China’s colonial boarding schools for Tibetan children.

China: Hands Off Tibetans' DNA

Hands off Tibetans’ DNA

China’s repressive rule in Tibet has taken a sinister new turn: police are now systematically taking DNA samples from Tibetans, including children as young as five.

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