I am excited to let you know His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s NEW book, “Voice for the Voiceless: Over Seven Decades of Struggle With China for My Land and My People” will be released next week.

The book is truly inspiring as it reflects on the Tibetan people’s past, current, and future and our struggle.

Earlier this week, The Washington Post published a moving excerpt from the book (behind a paywall) in which His Holiness emphasises the Tibetan people’s long history of distinct civilisation and how the Chinese government is undermining Tibetan identity.

His Holiness also reminds the world that on Monday, 10 March, “Tibetans everywhere in the free world will be commemorating the 66th anniversary of the Tibetan people’s uprising in Lhasa. The right of the Tibetan people to be the custodians of their own homeland cannot be indefinitely denied, nor can their aspiration for freedom be crushed forever.”

Tibetans and Tibet supporters all around the world will take to the streets to remember the resilience of the Tibetan people – past and present.

There are dozens of protests across Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia. I call on you to find a protest near you and join Tibetans and Tibet supporters calling for freedom in Tibet. Use the map HERE to find a protest near you.

If you can’t join a protest, or there isn’t one near you, why not show your support by putting a poster in your window or sharing TibetUprising.org with your friends and family to let them know more about China’s occupation of Tibet and the ongoing fight by the Tibetan people.

If there ever was a time and urgency to show your voice and solidarity, it is now.

Bhod Gyalo!

From me, Tenzin Yangzom, and all of the Tibet Network team

Tenzin Yangzom