Founded: 2000
Address: P.O. Mcleod Ganj. Dharamshala,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Main Contact: Tenzin Tselha
+91 7807315568
Twitter:  /SFT_India

Students for a Free Tibet-India (SFT-India) is the India National Network of Students for a Free Tibet International. We are a non-profit organization funded entirely by our members and supporters.

Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet’s Independence.

SFT-India has grown as a nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people, and we are still growing! It is from our grassroots network that we gain our strength. To ensure the effectiveness of our grassroots network, we create awareness and sensitize the world on the just cause of Tibet. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better.