Founded: 1985
Address: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Main Contact: Samdup
+61421932257/ +61403231785
Facebook: /TibetanCommunityVictoria

Aims & Objectives

  1.  To provide support for Tibetans living in Victoria, particularly new arrivals.
  2. To facilitate Tibetan language, spiritual and cultural programs.
  3. To maintain and preserve the cultural tradition of Tibet.
  4. To promote an understanding within the Australian Community of the cultural tradition of Tibet.
  5. To assist local Tibetans in adapting to the Australian culture and ways of living.
  6. To support the Tibetan peoples’ struggle for human rights and justice and safe-guarding Tibet’s
    fragile environment.
  7. To support the Tibetan government in exile, and collect the annual voluntary taxes.
  8. To support the welfare of Tibetan refugees.
  9. To maintain a close working relationship with other Tibet Support Groups or Tibetan Buddhist