
Dhondup Wangchen

Dhondup Wangchen

Dhondup Wangchen RELEASED!

On 5 June 2014 Dhondup Wangchen walked out of prison after serving six-years as a political prisoner. Dhondup was sentenced for making “Leaving Fear Behind”, a film about the situation in Tibet including interviews with ordinary Tibetans in Tibet speaking about their thoughts, feelings and desires for freedom.

In a statement issued to his family in exile he said “At this moment, I feel that everything inside me is in a sea of tears. I hope to recover my health soon. I would like to express my feeling of deepest gratitude for all the support I received while in prison and I want to be reunited with my family.” Read the full statement.

We will continue to add updates to this page including any further campaign actions. For all previous resources including a link to “Leaving Fear Behind” please see below.

  • Leaving Fear Behind Film & Screening Kit in Different Languages:
    • Watch and share Dhondup Wangchen’s film “Leaving Fear Behind” – the film he was imprisoned for making – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANZZa5IabJ4  
       Leaving Fear Behind Film Screening Kit 
Client name
Dhondup Wangchen
Images, Letter writing