


The Multilateral campaign has been devised to increase coordinated action by World Governments to address the crisis situation in Tibet. The campaign is known publicly as Stand Up For Tibet.   The main objectives of the Campaign are:  

  1. To raise awareness of public calls for multilateral mechanisms to be set up, and ask governments to discuss a more public multilateral response to the situation in Tibet (like forming a Contact Group).
  2. To increase the number of governments raising Tibet with China and within multilateral fora such as the UNGA and UN Human Rights Council
  3. To send a message to Chinese government that the Tibet movement is strong, visible, active and well organised.
  4. To increase political pressure on China to agree dates for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit China and Tibet.

Resources, including sample press releases and Network statements, are provided in a number of languages.

  • MEDIA –  all available via dropbox HERE
    – Sample Press Release:  English   French   Spanish 
    – Sample Media Advisory: English   French   Spanish
    – Talking Points | Unite For Tibet: Solutions For Tibet  English   French and Spanish coming shortly.
    – “Collective Punishment” Background Information: English  French and Spanish coming shortly.
  •  G20 2014: Sample Foreign Ministry or Leader Letter: English  French  Spanish 
  •  APEC 2014: Joint Tibet Group Letter
  •  Unite For Tibet: A New Global Approach Report or to embed via Issuu
  •  Flames in Tibet: A 4 page report on self-immolation protests with recommendations | English – PDFIssuu | French – PDFIssuu 
  •  BRICS Suggested Action and Resources
  •  G7 2014 Action Overview, Strategy and Resources 
  •  Global Advocacy Actions : Overview (September 2012)
  •  McGovern and Wolf Letter to Secretary Clinton | PDF
  •  Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay 
  • Network Letters to UN High Commissioner | English  | SpanishFrench | PDF  
  •  Network Letters to EU Special Representative for Human Rights | English | French PDF 
    The Spanish Lawsuits on Tibet, filed by Comite de Apoyo al Tibet (CAT) saw dramatic developments in late 2013, with former President Hu Jintao being indicted on charges of genocide, and arrest warrants ordered for another former President, Jiang Zemin and 4 other leaders. However, the Spanish Government is now threatening to shut these suits down. See Resources below:

    Client name
    Multilateral, Unite for Tibet
    Documents, Images, Petition