
Posts tagged with: human rights council

UN human rights bodies have raised the alarm at the escalation of human rights violations in Tibet

7 June 2024: Over the past 18 months, multiple UN human rights bodies have raised the alarm at the escalation of human rights violations in Tibet 6 Feb 2023 | China: UN experts alarmed by separation of 1 million Tibetan... Read More

Tibet groups join with Hong Kong, Uyghur, Chinese and international NGOs to raise joint demands ahead of UN High Commissioner’s visit to China

High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet must ensure her announced UN visit is credible, unfettered and meaningful, and that it is preceded by the prompt release of the much-awaited UN report on serious violations in Xinjiang, the Uyghur region. 60 human rights... Read More

Tibet Advocacy Coalition | UPR Mid-Term Assessment

In 2014, following China’s 2nd cycle Universal Periodic Review, China committed to comply with crucial recommendations spanning economic, cultural, and social rights, as well as non-derogable rights, such as freedom from torture. However, since the 2nd-cycle UPR, China has unleashed an increased... Read More