“With hope, we have the courage to care and the courage to act”

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, March 2025

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has released a new book, Voice for the Voiceless: Over Seven Decades of Struggle with China for My Land and My People, which is available in several countries now.

In this wonderful new book, His Holiness speaks powerfully about the pain incurred with the tireless fight for freedom in Tibet and the incredible resilience of the Tibetan people over the past 75 years.

He also declares outright that he will be reborn outside of Tibet and China, calling directly for the rejection of any successor chosen by Beijing, stating it would be “totally inappropriate” for the Chinese Communist Party “to meddle in the system of reincarnation of lamas, let alone that of the Dalai Lama”.

He further points out, “Such meddling…. contradicts their own political ideology and only reveals their double standards.”

Tibet Network stands steadfast with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, in our continued quest for freedom for Tibet and the Tibetan people and our commitment to support the global Tibetan freedom movement.