Support Tibet

Support Tibet

You can help the Tibetan people’s non-violent struggle against China’s occupation of their country in a number of ways:

If you support what the International Tibet Network stands for and how it is working to achieve its goals, please consider making a donation.

There are hundreds of Tibet Groups around the world. We encourage all individuals visiting these pages to support Tibet by joining a nearby Tibet Group

If there is no group in your country, you might want to consider starting a Tibet Group. Contact us to find out what would be involved. There are already many Tibet organisations in India, Western Europe, North America and Australasia, but relatively few in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and South East or East Asia.

If you are involved in a Tibet Group that is not a member of the International Tibet Network, please contact us to find out how your organisation can join the Network.

For additional information about Tibet (such as books, films, news reports), please see the links in the sidebar of this page or visit Media & Events.