Regional Co-ordinator, North Americas Region
Part-time (equivalent to two days a week), One year contract
International Tibet Network is a global network of 170 Tibet Groups around the globe. The Network has recently secured funding for a part-time Regional Coordinator in North America (covering the US and Canada) on a part-time basis and a one-year contract. This may be extended subject to finances and a review of the effectiveness of the role. The role of the Regional Coordinator is to assist in implementing the Network’s core activities of supporting co-ordinated campaigns, capacity-building and training. The successful candidate will have experience of working in the movement and possess excellent communication skills.
For full details about the position and how to apply see below.
Closing date Sunday 29 April 2018.
The International Tibet Network was established at a conference of Tibet Support Groups in Berlin in May 2000. The network’s Mission Statement is as follows:
The International Tibet Network is a body of Tibet related non-governmental organisations with a political mandate. Its purpose is to maximise the effectiveness of the worldwide Tibet movement, which is dedicated to ending human rights violations in Tibet and to actively supporting the Tibetan people’s right under international law to determine their future political, economic, social, religious and cultural status.
The Network is committed to non-violence as a fundamental principle of the Tibetan struggle. The Network regards Tibet as an occupied country and recognises the Tibetan Government in exile as the sole legitimate government of the Tibetan people. Beyond these principles, the Network respects the plurality of views and opinions of its member organisations and endorses the premise that diversity strengthens our movement.
The Network operates through a 20-person Steering Committee, elected by member organisations to represent 11 regions around the world. The Steering Committee members for North America are currently Lhadon Tethong of Tibet Action (US, also one of the Steering Committee’s Co Chairs), Tenzin Nawang Tekan (Canada), Tenzin Jigme (US), Giovanni Vassallo (US) and Wangchuk Shakabpa (US). Dennis Cusack of Tibet Justice Center is the Network’s Honorary President. The Regional Co-ordinator would be expected to work closely with these individuals, but will report to the International Coordinator (based in India) and Executive Director (based in the UK).
More information about the Network is available on
The position carries a competitive salary and will be offered initially on a 1-year contract, including a 3-month probationary period. It is anticipated that the position will be based in the region.
The position is part-time, for 14 hours a week (equivalent of 2 days, but hours to be arranged in consultation between the successful candidate and Network staff team), with 10 days’ paid annual leave. The position may involve some travel and require additional work at weekends and in the evenings, for which time off in compensation may be taken.
A modest budget for travel, communication and other expenses will be provided.
The successful candidate will possess the following skills and qualities:
The successful candidate will possess the following skills and qualities:
- Have strong knowledge of Tibet and experience of working in the Tibet movement.
- Have good written and spoken English. Tibetan or French would be an advantage.
- Have experience of providing training and support, or demonstrate the ability to
quickly acquire these skills. - Have good inter-personal and communication skills, and be able to get on well with people.
- Good computer skills.
- Have good administrative and organising skills, and capacity to manage budgets.
- Be self motivating.
- Be prepared to travel.
- Have legal employment status in the US and Canada.
- Preferably have a University degree or equivalent.
Send your Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume with a covering letter to Alison Reynolds on Your letter must include the following information:
- Explain how you are qualified for the position, by addressing all the points in the Personal Qualities section (above).
- Give the names and contact details (including phone and email) of three people who can give you a reference. One should be your current or most recent employer.
- Tell us why you want the job.
You can submit your application by email to
Closing date Sunday 29 April 2018
1. Main Purpose of the Job
To respond to the needs of the International Tibet Network’s members in the North Americas region and contribute to building an effective global network of Tibet campaign organisations. To implement the Network’s strategic priorities of campaign coordination and capacity building among the member organisations in the region. To support and build the Network’s membership of Tibet Groups in the region.
2. Main duties:
2.1. Implementation of policy objectives.
2.1.1. To ensure that the policy objectives set by the Steering Committee and Executive Director are implemented.
2.1.2. To contribute to the development of proposals for approval by the Steering Committee relating to all campaigns and new initiatives, as requested by the Executive Director.
2.1.3. To assist the Executive Director and International Coordinator in ensuring that the Steering Committee and others (eg funders) receive appropriate and timely feedback about the implementation of priorities.
2.1.4. Responsible to the Executive Director for managing the budget allocated to them and providing written reports on expenditure and programmes as requested.
2.1.5. To act as a spokesperson for the network when requested by the Executive Director; this may include media work or giving public talks in the region to, with, or on behalf of Member organisations.
2.2. Communication and Network Building:
2.2.1. Improve regional communications by building relations with and between Tibet Groups in the area.
2.2.2. Organise annual or biennial Regional Meetings, and other meetings as appropriate in conjunction with regional Steering Committee members and in consultation with the Executive Director.
2.2.3. Build the Network’s membership of Tibet Groups in the region and assist in securing payment of membership contributions.
2.2.4. In conjunction with the Steering Committee representatives for the region, ensure all Tibet Groups are aware of and understand the Network’s aims and priorities and that Network Members’ issues and concerns are communicated to the entire Steering Committee and Secretariat staff.
2.2.5. Support the Secretariat in producing resource materials and updates on regional activity for the Network’s website.
2.2.6. To assist in the development of the Network’s legitimacy and reputation and influence and foster good relations with the Tibetan Government in exile, funders, and other organisations and groups, as well as members of the Network.
2.3. Campaign Co-ordination.
2.3.1. Increase dialogue between the Network’s membership and campaign working groups.
2.3.2. Reduce unnecessary and ineffective duplication and improve inter-Tibet Group co-operation and coordination on priority campaigns, through greater engagement with Network Members.
2.3.3. Provide Tibet Groups with support to develop campaign strategies, in the framework of the Strategic Plan, that are politically and culturally appropriate for their country/region, but that clearly contribute to the overall objectives of global priority campaigns.
2.3.4. Actively assist Tibet Groups in the region in implementing priority campaigns, through practical support, guidance and facilitation.
2.3.5. Contribute to the distribution of global campaign materials and resources, where available.
2.3.5. Contribute to the distribution of global campaign materials and resources, where available.
2.4. Training and Capacity Building
2.4.1. Provide or organise the provision of training, according to needs of members. Training in key areas may include media, strategic planning, fundraising, and grassroots organizing, and may be delivered both at regional or international meetings and through visits to individual Tibet Groups.
2.4.2. Provide feedback to Executive Director on strengths and weaknesses and needs
of Tibet Groups in the region.
2.4.3. Provide resources, including advice, small grants etc to Tibet Groups for the development of fundraising programmes and building a local donor base.
2.4.4. Provide advice and support to appropriate individuals wishing to establish Tibet Groups in the region where there are currently none and where a strategic advantage would be served by creating one. Encourage other individuals to join existing Tibet Groups.