Membership of the International Tibet Network is open to all Tibet related non-governmental organisations* with a commitment to non-violence. Each Member organisation is requested to make an annual contribution to The Network based on the groups annual income, calculated in US$. The suggested scale, which is unchanged since April 2012, is as follows:

Membership Contributions can be made online , by Cheque or Bank Transfer (see below)


When you become a Tibet Network Member:
Your organisation is asked to nominate at least two people to become primary contacts of Tibet Network. These contacts should have easy access to email, and be willing to join both the email discussion list TSG-L and Tibet Network’s Members Facebook Group.

Member organisations are entitled to nominate one candidate for regional Steering Committee elections, and to vote in these elections. Tibetans are actively encouraged to stand for election to the Steering Committee.

Network Members will receive regular emails from the Secretariat concerning campaigns, action, meetings, online trainings and discussion points.

Network Members also have the opportunity to attend annual Regional Meetings and to propose campaign ideas, join campaign working groups and participate in the development of campaign strategies. In some cases, for example at Regional Meetings, the Steering Committee may invite the membership to vote on campaign proposals.

Membership of the International Tibet Network does not mean that groups are required to participate in all the Network-promoted campaigns. It is up to the individual Member organisations to implement the strategies proposed or endorsed by the Network as they feel appropriate, but we believe the effectiveness of the movement will be enhanced by the commitment of Tibet groups around the world to coordinated activities.

Non Tibet-specific NGOs may become Associate Members of the Network, without voting rights. The Network does not admit individual members but encourages individuals to become active contributors to an appropriate Member organisation.

How to make Network Contributions:

1. Online  – If you wish to set up an annual recurring payment please let us know us and we will send you a customised link.

2. By Cheque; payments accepted in US$, or the $ equivalents in GBP£ and €. Make cheques payable to International Tibet Network and send either to Tenzin Jigme, International Tibet Network, 9929 Longford Court, Vienna, VA 22181 USA or Tenzin Jigme, International Tibet Network, c/o Tibet Society, 2 Baltic Place, London N1 5AQ, UK. Please include a note stating the name of your organization, and the period the contribution covers (some Groups like to pay several year’s contributions in one go!)

3. Bank Transfer; The Network has bank accounts in the USA and the UK. For security reasons we have not listed bank information here, but if you wish to make a bank transfer please contact for details. We recommend the use of Transferwise for bank payments.

4. In person to a Network Secretariat staff member at a Regional or International Meeting.


*In the case of organisations with multiple branches in one country and where those branches are financially and administratively controlled and/or directed from a central office, only the central office may join the Network. If domestic branches have their own decision-making systems and/or administrative and financial control they may join independently.Organisations with international branches may sign up one branch per country in which they have a presence.